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$.isFunction(options.afterLoad) && options.afterLoad.call(this, anchorLink, (currentSection.index('.fp-section') + 1)); activateMenuElement(anchorLink); activateNavDots(anchorLink, 0); if (options.anchors.length && !isMoving) { lastScrolledDestiny = anchorLink; location.hash = anchorLink; } clearTimeout(scrollId); scrollId = setTimeout(function() { isScrolling = false; }, 100); } } } function isScrollable(activeSection) { if (activeSection.find('.fp-slides').length) { scrollable = activeSection.find('.fp-slide.active').find('.fp-scrollable'); } else { scrollable = activeSection.find('.fp-scrollable'); } return scrollable; } function scrolling(type, scrollable) { if (type == 'down') { var check = 'bottom'; var scrollSection = $.fn.fullpage.moveSectionDown; } else { var check = 'top'; var scrollSection = $.fn.fullpage.moveSectionUp; } if (scrollable.length > 0) { if (isScrolled(check, scrollable)) { scrollSection(); } else { return true; } } else { scrollSection(); } } var touchStartY = 0; 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if (!prev.length && (options.loopTop || options.continuousVertical)) { prev = $('.fp-section').last(); } if (prev.length) { scrollPage(prev, null, true); } }; $.fn.fullpage.moveSectionDown = function() { var next = $('.fp-section.active').next('.fp-section'); if (!next.length && (options.loopBottom || options.continuousVertical)) { next = $('.fp-section').first(); } if (next.length) { scrollPage(next, null, false); } }; $.fn.fullpage.moveToFirst = function() { var first = $('.fp-section').first(); scrollPage(first, null, false); }; $.fn.fullpage.moveTo = function(section, slide) { var destiny = ''; if (isNaN(section)) { destiny = $('[data-anchor="' + section + '"]'); } else { destiny = $('.fp-section').eq((section - 1)); } if (typeof slide !== 'undefined') { scrollPageAndSlide(section, slide); } else if (destiny.length > 0) { scrollPage(destiny); } }; $.fn.fullpage.moveSlideRight = function() { moveSlide('next'); }; $.fn.fullpage.moveSlideLeft = function() { moveSlide('prev'); }; function moveSlide(direction) { var activeSection = $('.fp-section.active'); 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custom_fp_active = 0; //REFRESH WAYPOINTS Waypoint.refreshAll(); //console.log('OK'); //RESIZE PORTFOLIO $grid.masonry('layout'); //$grid.masonry() //scrollspy activeren of refreshen //$('body').scrollspy({ target: '#navbar-body' }); $('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () { var $spy = $(this).scrollspy('refresh') }) //FULLPAGE IS UITGESCHAKELD! //NU voorlaatste slide ALS ACTIEF ZETTEN ZODAT BIJ HET WEER ACTIVEREN AUTOMATISCH DAAR WEER BEGINT!! //fp-section.active $('.lastfullpage-slide').addClass('fp-section').addClass('active'); //alert('DE-ACTIVEREN!'); //destroyStructure() } //------------------------------------------ }, scrollDelay); } $.isFunction(options.onLeave) && !localIsResizing && options.onLeave.call(this, leavingSection, (sectionIndex + 1), yMovement); if (options.css3 && options.autoScrolling) { var translate3d = 'translate3d(0px, -' + dtop + 'px, 0px)'; transformContainer(translate3d, true); setTimeout(function() { afterSectionLoads(); }, options.scrollingSpeed); } else { $(scrolledElement).animate(scrollOptions, options.scrollingSpeed, options.easing, function() { afterSectionLoads(); 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break; case 40: case 34: $.fn.fullpage.moveSectionDown(); break; case 36: $.fn.fullpage.moveTo(1); break; case 35: $.fn.fullpage.moveTo($('.fp-section').length); break; case 37: $.fn.fullpage.moveSlideLeft(); break; case 39: $.fn.fullpage.moveSlideRight(); break; default: return; } } }); $(document).on('click', '#fp-nav a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var index = $(this).parent().index(); scrollPage($('.fp-section').eq(index)); }); $(document).on({ mouseenter: function() { var tooltip = $(this).data('tooltip'); $('
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var slidesContainer = slides.find('.fp-slidesContainer').parent(); var slideIndex = destiny.index(); var section = slides.closest('.fp-section'); var sectionIndex = section.index('.fp-section'); var anchorLink = section.data('anchor'); var slidesNav = section.find('.fp-slidesNav'); var slideAnchor = destiny.data('anchor'); var localIsResizing = isResizing; if (options.onSlideLeave) { var prevSlideIndex = section.find('.fp-slide.active').index(); var xMovement = getXmovement(prevSlideIndex, slideIndex); if (!localIsResizing) { $.isFunction(options.onSlideLeave) && options.onSlideLeave.call(this, anchorLink, (sectionIndex + 1), prevSlideIndex, xMovement); } } destiny.addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); if (typeof slideAnchor === 'undefined') { slideAnchor = slideIndex; } if (!options.loopHorizontal) { section.find('.fp-controlArrow.fp-prev').toggle(slideIndex != 0); section.find('.fp-controlArrow.fp-next').toggle(!destiny.is(':last-child')); } if (section.hasClass('active')) { setURLHash(slideIndex, slideAnchor, anchorLink); 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var windowsWidth = $(window).width(); windowsHeight = $(window).height(); if (options.resize) { resizeMe(windowsHeight, windowsWidth); } $('.fp-section').each(function() { var scrollHeight = windowsHeight - parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom')) - parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')); if (options.verticalCentered) { $(this).find('.fp-tableCell').css('height', getTableHeight($(this)) + 'px'); } $(this).css('height', windowsHeight + 'px'); if (options.scrollOverflow) { var slides = $(this).find('.fp-slide'); if (slides.length) { slides.each(function() { createSlimScrolling($(this)); }); } else { createSlimScrolling($(this)); } } var slides = $(this).find('.fp-slides'); if (slides.length) { landscapeScroll(slides, slides.find('.fp-slide.active')); } }); var destinyPos = $('.fp-section.active').position(); var activeSection = $('.fp-section.active'); if (activeSection.index('.fp-section')) { scrollPage(activeSection); } isResizing = false; $.isFunction(options.afterResize) && options.afterResize.call(this); 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} } function isScrolled(type, scrollable) { if (type === 'top') { return !scrollable.scrollTop(); } else if (type === 'bottom') { return scrollable.scrollTop() + 1 + scrollable.innerHeight() >= scrollable[0].scrollHeight; } } function getYmovement(destiny) { var fromIndex = $('.fp-section.active').index('.fp-section'); var toIndex = destiny.index('.fp-section'); if (fromIndex > toIndex) { return 'up'; } return 'down'; } function getXmovement(fromIndex, toIndex) { if (fromIndex == toIndex) { return 'none' } if (fromIndex > toIndex) { return 'left'; } return 'right'; } function createSlimScrolling(element) { element.css('overflow', 'hidden'); var section = element.closest('.fp-section'); var scrollable = element.find('.fp-scrollable'); if (scrollable.length) { var contentHeight = scrollable.get(0).scrollHeight; } else { var contentHeight = element.get(0).scrollHeight; if (options.verticalCentered) { contentHeight = element.find('.fp-tableCell').get(0).scrollHeight; } } var scrollHeight = windowsHeight - parseInt(section.css('padding-bottom')) - parseInt(section.css('padding-top')); if (contentHeight > scrollHeight) { if (scrollable.length) { scrollable.css('height', scrollHeight + 'px').parent().css('height', scrollHeight + 'px'); } else { if (options.verticalCentered) { element.find('.fp-tableCell').wrapInner('
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